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Ojore says:

Currently I am held on Condemn Row II, an East Block Housing Unit, a warehouse of human kennels, totaling 490+ single-man cells.

21 to 24 hours a day I am confined to the cell and every time I exit the cell I am placed in restraints, that are only removed when I'm placed in the shower, let out to the yard or placed in a holding cage. Six days a week I have access to yard for 2 to 3 hours, depending on the time the prison guards decide to open up the yard program. Access to a shower happens three times a week; unless you shower on the yard.

The conditions here are inhumane! Dirty, dusty, musty, foul and harsh. If this were an "animal shelter", the state would've condemned this unit for such unsanitary conditions. After three decades of court supervision for failing to improve living conditions, in 2009 the administration improved some of the conditions. Such as providing a cleaning bucket with supplies of disinfectants, bleach and a toilet brush, but nothing to mop the floor with.

The toilets and showers operate on timers: the shower shut off every two minutes; the toilets can only be flushed once every six minutes or twice within six minutes every hour.

The state only provides for my basic everyday needs: Every two weeks I'm given


-  two rolls of toilet paper

-  two bars of P.I.A. (state) soap

-  a bag of industrial bleach and

-  ear plugs (due to noise)

For those who are indigent, I can request a toothbrush, tooth-powder, a pen filler, 5 sheets of paper and 5 first-class envelopes (NSF).

The menu is repetitive, poorly prepared and served repeatedly in portions that are inadequate. Breakfast and dinner are served in insolated trays but manage to be luke-warm or cold. Lunch, is a bag lunch. All meals are eaten insider the cell. Monday's breakfast, is repeated every monday, so on and so forth. Dinner meals rotate throughout the month.

Laundry is an awful prison nightmare, it's so foul and unsanitary. It's not clean enough to elaborate on in detail here. Some prisoners, like myself, do all our laundry by hand, out of a buckeet: the sink or the toilet, to avoid the disgusting laundry situation.



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